St. Peter’s Education Block is held at 10:45 a.m. September thru May. St. Peter’s offers a variety of learning opportunities to people of all ages not only during this time, but throughout the week.
Sunday School meets the Second and Fourth Sundays from 10:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. September thru May.
St. Peter’s provides Christian Education lessons for children ages 3 through 12. Students grow through comprehensive Bible study, application of Bible lessons to everyday discipleship, and a variety of age-appropriate activities. All children these ages are encouraged to attend.
First Communion Classes: For children in 5th grade, St. Peter’s offers First Communion classes on the Sundays in October, at 11 a.m. – Noon. Parents are encouraged to attend with your child, and classes are mandatory in order to have your child celebrate his/her First Communion. Please contact the Church Office at 754-2891 to reserve your spot in these upcoming classes.
Confirmation meets Sundays 11 a.m. as Scheduled September thru May
St. Peter’s Confirmation Class is open to everyone 7th grade and older that has not been Confirmed. The program spans two school years and helps students understand the teachings of Christ, what it means to be a Lutheran, and what it means to be a Christian. Students learn the meaning and importance of serving others through a variety of volunteer opportunities, as well as the meaning and importance of worship through attending services weekly. The class uses the “To Know, To Live, To Grow” Curriculum.
Monday Night Bible Study meets each Monday (except the Third) from 7–8:30 p.m. at the Parsonage (Year Around)
This Bible study deals with the entire content of the Bible. The study consists of reading the Bible from beginning to end and stopping periodically to discuss what was read. Whether there are questions about the words themselves or how these passages affect our lives, this group gains an insight into God’s plan for His children. New members are always welcome.